Gippeswyk Singers


Contact Information

Contact Details
Facebook Follow us on Facebook
Musical Director Janette Ruocco
Chairman Adrian Farthing (07949 803594)

Dates for Your Diary, 2025

See the home page for details of open sing sessions and concerts.

Date Event
Mon 6th Jan, 7pm Christmas Social
Mon Jan 20th, 7.30pm Bring & buy, in aid of Papyrus

Rehearsal Dates, Winter/Spring 2025

Regular rehearsals are on Monday night, 7.30 - 9.30 pm. at St. Michael & All Angels Church (aka St Michael’s Church), Martlesham Heath, IP5 3PL.

Date Location
Feb 10th Church
Feb 17th Church
Feb 24th Pavilion
Mar 3rd Church
Mar 10th Church
Mar 17th Church
Mar 24th Pavilion
Mar 31st Church
Apr 7th Church
Apr 28th Pavilion


Can be paid via bank transfer or by cheque. Contact the treasurer (Michael Dawe) for further details.

Email Group

The choir uses a Google Group email address so that we can easily send information to all choir members. Graeme Ludwig looks after the administration of the Google Group.

On joining the choir, please give your email address to Kaye Dawe. If you have a Gmail email address (i.e. one ending then please give us that email address to use if you can, as it makes our lives a bit easier.

Graeme will then add your email address to the group. If possible he will add your email address directly to the group, and you should then start to receive emails sent to all choir members. Otherwise you will be sent an invitation to join the group. The email will be sent from An example of the email invitation is below:

Example of a Google Group Invitation
Example of a Google Group Invitation

If you cannot find the above email after Graeme has sent you an invite you may need to check your spam folder, and/or search for the email directly; I’d suggest searching on the email address If you still cannot find the email please speak to Graeme, and he’ll do what he can to help you out.

Once you find the email click on the Accept this invitation button. Your Internet browser (Chrome, Safari etc.) should then open up and display this page:

Successfully Joined Google Group
Successfully Joined Google Group

You should then start to receive emails sent to all choir members. If you have any questions on the above please speak to Graeme.

Voice Reps

If you are unable to attend a rehearsal, please contact your voice rep as listed below. If a rehearsal is to be cancelled the voice reps will ring you. For the voice rep contact details please consult the choir newsletter.

Section Voice Rep
Soprano Kaye Dawe
Alto Catherine Topham
Tenor Phil Speirs
Bass Michael Dawe

Committee Members

Member Role
Adrian Farthing Chairman
Kaye Dawe Secretary
Michael Dawe Treasurer
Bridget Stefanowski Librarian
Sue Farthing Publicity
Gwynneth Johnson  
Janette Ruocco Musical Director


Do you know anyone who would like to be in “Fogies” (Friends of Ipswich Singers)? For an annual fee of £30 (£50 for a couple), they will receive:

Rehearsal Space

The piano has now been fitted with new castors and can be readily moved providing greater flexibility and will be positioned by the emergency exit doors. This provides the maximum ventilation for the conductor being the most vulnerable, facing the whole choir. This allows us to enter the hall via the usual entrance.

The layout of the chairs maximises the space between singers. At the first rehearsal the seating will be labelled to indicate the voices.

For the break during the rehearsal, please bring your own refreshments as the use of the kitchen facilities is restricted.

Please note that whilst the committee has made every effort to provide a safe environment for those returning to singing, it is the individual’s choice and responsibility as to whether they attend. See our COVID policy for more details.

Concert Dress

GDPR Data Management Policy

  1. Gippeswyk Singers holds the personal data of the membership.
  2. Gippeswyk Singers respects the privacy of all its members and will ensure the data stored is current, accurate and secure.
  3. Gippeswyk Singers will use the data to communicate with the membership and to administer activities and events.
  4. Gippeswyk singers will delete or modify data only at the request of the member.
  5. Gippeswyk Singers advises that photographs of events may be kept as records and possibly used in promotional material.

Policy dated 23rd May 2018

COVID Policy

Having followed government guidance scrupulously during the COVID pandemic, we are pleased to have returned to normal singing.

We continue to monitor the situation and will follow best practice and government advice should it be necessary in the future.

Gippeswyk Singers Committee
27th January 2023